How a Diverse Team Is Needed for Innovation

In his post ‘Are You A Maverick Or A Heretic?‘, Howard Getson makes the point that throughout history, many innovators have been rejected (or even burnt at the stake) for their ideas that would prove right later. Thus if innovation is to take hold, the visionary innovator needs to be supported and surrounded by people of various personality types that ground him or her in real life.

I love being around entrepreneurs because a lot of them are Quick Starts, and they share this future-focused perspective. The problem, however, is that when you say something’s possible that hasn’t been proven yet, the average person responds with “no it’s not.” I’ve seen the pattern over and over

if you’re naturally a visionary, feel free to embrace it, but surround yourself with people who keep you grounded in reality. We’d never have innovation if it wasn’t for you, and innovators wouldn’t ever get anything done if it wasn’t for other personality types.”

Innovation is not just having a great idea. It is also about inducing change in society and creating conditions for the internalisation of innovation as a foundation for future progress.

Innovation and disruption is not an individual game. It’s a team game, with diverse people supporting and helping spread the idea. It is a community game, because building a community is today the engine for spreading ideas.
