How You Should Always Give It At Least a Second Try

In Kevin Kelly’s ‘68 bits of unsolicited advice‘, one bit of wisdom about being turned down raised my interest: “Don’t take it personally when someone turns you down. Assume they are like you: busy, occupied, distracted. Try again later. It’s amazing how often a second try works

This resonates indeed with my experience, and sometimes actually you’ll need to try again for a few more times than just a second one. And it is true that many people having experienced rejection will tend not even to give it a second change. Overcoming this feeling of rejection is an essential skill in society and is becoming even more important as we are all becoming more independent economic actors.

It is quite true that rejection is only a feeling and that many times, it is not just rejection, but that we tried to connect at an inadequate moment; and that this impression of indifference and rejection is just an artefact of other people being too busy to notice.

Next time you’ll feel rejected, brush it away and try a second time. And a third, fourth time if needed, at least until you get a clear reaction.
