How a Crisis Dramatically Accelerates Changes

What I find absolutely amazing in the current world Covid crisis is how it is accelerating changes. In particular, how it is accelerating changes that had already started but were not obvious or where inertia let unstable situations be maintained.

This is the case in the economic and business field where there is an increased differentiation between winners and losers of the current crisis. And the losers were often those that had a precarious market and financial situation. They could survive, sometimes barely, in a stable world; the crisis acts as a revealing factor.

This is also the case in world politics and strategics; the Covid crisis has been a substantial catalyst for China actions in Hong Kong and more generally on the world stage, and here again the crisis has acted as an accelerator of events which could be anticipated in the future.

Finally it is often the case on the personal level; the changes in the way we work and in our world vision, and in our daily lives, accelerates a transformation that was to happen as digital and communication become more widespread and available.

The Covid crisis provokes a deep transformation of the world, but as I see it, most of it is just an incredible acceleration of changes which were already written or in the works.
