How Internet Activity Does Not Seem to Increase Exponentially Any More

I have recently looked at those graphs produced every year about everything that happens on internet in a minute. This is the graph for 2020. What is interesting is to compare to similar graphs from previous years.

The absolute numbers are overwhelming (4.7 million videos viewed on youtube every minute, 59 million messages on messenger and whastapp), in particular when one remembers that it takes 1,440 minutes to make a day. At the same time they have evolved somewhat linearly in the past 4-5 years (doubling over the period) at least based on similar representations. There seems to be a physical limit to our online activity!

Of course, each video or message itself may have become heavier with higher definition or improved content, so that may not represent the actual growth of traffic. Still, it is interesting to observe that we don’t seem to be in the exponential growth that was observed when digital started to spread at the start of the century.

Maybe an important thought to have in terms of context for new online services that would intend to penetrate the market in particular where it seems to be quite mature (developed countries).
