How to Detect Mistakes in Statistical Analysis

This extremely useful paper reminds us of common statistical mistakes made in articles and papers: ‘Ten common statistical mistakes to watch out for when writing or reviewing a manuscript‘.

Those are:

  • absence of an adequate control condition or group
  • interpreting comparisons between two effects without directly comparing them as a full group
  • inflating the number of units of analysis
  • spurious correlations (example single weird value)
  • using too small samples
  • circular analysis (retrospectively selecting features of the data to characterize the dependent variables, resulting in a distortion of the resulting statistical test)
  • too much flexibility of analysis
  • failure to correct for multiple comparisons in exploratory analysis)
  • over-interpreting non-significant results
  • confusing correlation and causation

Quite a useful checklist to use the next time you review a paper based on statistical analysis!
