How We Should Stay More Often and Longer at the Edge of Uncertainty

In this inspiring post ‘Staying at the Edge of Uncertainty‘, Leo Babauta makes that point that we should learn to stay more often and longer at the edge of uncertainty. By moving close to the limite of our safe zone, on the brink of the uncertain, is where we learn and evolve most.

All of us do this in most areas of our lives. Sometimes, we are able to voluntarily stay in uncertainty, but those times are relatively rare, and usually we don’t like it so much. Here’s the thing: the edge of uncertainty and chaos is where we learn, grow, create, lead, make incredible art and new inventions.”

And Leo Babauta insists that generally we tend to avoid this situation and rather come back to the well-known and familiar. To achieve this goal of being more closer to the edge and more often he recommends a deliberate practice:

  1. Set aside a time
  2. Pick something you are avoiding
  3. Do it for a short time (10-15 mins)
  4. Learn to embrace uncertainty
  5. Be kind to yourself

I have to be more self conscious about being more at this edge of uncertainty.

Being at the edge of our uncertainty and learning how to stay more often there is certainly a great advice. Have you tried to do it deliberately?
