How We Make Maps to Leave Things Out

In this interesting post ‘The map is not the territory‘ Seth Godin reminds us powerfully that the intrinsic power of maps is that it leave things out.

Maps are representations that are always done with a particular purpose and therefore, are adapted to the intent: be it scale, features included or left out, and design aspects such as graphics and colors.

We make a map so we can leave things out. By leaving things out, we can help people focus on the core concepts we’re trying to get across. And so, the map of the London subway is not actually the London subway. In fact, it’s not even geographically accurate. That’s okay.”

Reminding us that the power of a representation is not just what is included and how it is included, but also what is left out, is quite powerful. And this does not just applies to maps: it applies to texts, books, powerpoint presentations, and any graphical representation.

What will you purposely leave out in your next production?
