The Fourth Revolution spreads: now (almost) on Amazon!

Breaking news: The Fourth Revolution book is now on,, Barnes& etc etc !

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The Fourth Revolution book on

OK, seems like that everything is not setup completely, I suppose that’ll be done in a few days, and then orders will be available. I am also working on my author’s profile and so on…

But, just figure that out. I write a book. I self-publish it. In Malaysia, far from Europe or the US (and I could have been anywhere I guess!). I sign an agreement with a Print-on-demand company. I send the electronic files over. 2 weeks later I receive a proof copy. 1 more week and my book is available all over the world. Anybody can read my ideas, debate with me! This setup cost me 70$ only!. WOW. Who can deny that the Fourth Revolution is there, today?
