You are contributing actively to the enhancement of the world’s knowledge… without even knowing it!

Did you know that you are routinely contributing to the development of the world’s knowledge – directly? Like… more than 10% of humankind in fact?

And we are not speaking here of global utilization of your data to do statistics about your behavior.

No – whenever you are typing a word in reCAPTCHA, these small popup words that you need to type so that the website can be sure you are a human and not a robot, the second word is there to check the spelling of an old book that has been scanned.

ReCAPTCHA example
ReCAPTCHA example – the second word is to check the spelling of a scanned word

This is a typical example of reCAPTCHA. And when you type inquiry you actually check the spelling of that word as it was scanned. More detail on this surprising usage of crowd-contribution on this page of the reCAPTCHA from google that explains how it helps digitalize old books.

You can help the process by using this technology on your website (see how to implement reCAPTCHA on your site on this page).

This fantastic video explains how this project came about – and the exciting projects that the originators of the tool now have regarding crowdsourcing translation:

Leveraging the power of crowd-contribution has only the limits set by imagination. Think about how much knowledge the billions of internet users could contribute… and will contribute through the right usage of modern technology. Are you ready to contribute more?


Fourth Revolution in action: online universities are becoming mainstream!

Online universities are becoming recognized and deliver more and more degrees.

We had touched upon this issue in the post “Another Institution under Siege from the Fourth Revolution: Universities – Will they Reinvent themselves in time?” with the example of Udacity, a revolutionary online university.

online university
Online universities are becoming mainstream

Traditional universities are now coming into play. The MIT had its courses available online for a while, but now it is a real rush towards the ever growing market of university degrees online.

Recently, the MIT and Harvard announced the creation of edX, a platform for online studying  and learning (visit the edX site here and read the edX press release here). This platform has an exciting ambitious growth plan, offering classes online for free for millions (but probably paying degrees!).

This excellent post by, “8 nations leading the way in online education” summarizes the situation and what are the most advanced countries in the field of online education: USA, India, China, South Korea, Malaysia, UK, Australia, South Africa. Many of these countries are geographically very large or serve as a hub for a large region, offering education opportunities for many.

Online education cannot probably replace face-to-face education in all disciplines but it can in many scientific ones. It is an incredible occasion for people to grow themselves for free. It is an incredible occasion to grow the knowledge base of humankind into the remotest corners of the planet.

Those countries and those universities that will miss this revolution will trail behind and eventually disappear into oblivion. When online universities will do more than just broadcasting, when they will unleash the power of collaboration, they will dwarf Industrial Age universities. This will happen soon.

When will you start taking the classes you always dreamed of taking online, for free?



The Motivation Revolution: how to move from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation

I loved reading the book “Drive” by Daniel Pink. Daniel Pink "Drive"We already referred to it a few months ago in the post “what motivates the K.E.E.N.“.

Daniel Pink uses a framework for the evolution of motivation in history that is similar to the ‘fundamental revolutions’ familiar to the readers of this blog:

  • Motivation 1.0 – 50,000 years ago – survival
  • Motivation 2.0 – extrinsic motivators: seek reward and avoid punishment (which lead to put some barriers for social life (don’t steal your neighbor’s wife), etc).
  • Motivation 2.1 – empowerment in organizations, greater autonomy
  • Motivation 3.0 – intrinsic motivators: autonomy, mastery, purpose. (the drivers of the Collaborative Age)

It is a real revolution to switch from extrinsic to intrinsic motivators. Yet as our live example of the Collaborative Age organization shows, in these organizations, only intrinsic motivation is at work.

How can we change our extrinsic motivation mindset? No, above a certain level, people won’t stay because you pay them more to do the same boring job. They need to find purpose and fulfillment. How can you give it to them? Only by allowing initiative, failure and releasing control. That will be the secret of success of the Collaborative Age organization. Are you ready for it?

(And for those that have not seen the RSA animation drawn from the book, here it is – and if you’ve seen it, watch it again because it is so fundamental:)



Organizations today “are leading a workforce of communicators”

Contrary to what you might think, this is not an assertion by some hyped Californian startup leader.

Admiral Gary Roughead on social networks
Admiral Gary Roughead on social networks

It is a very serious statement by Adm. Gary Roughead, until recently the Chief of Naval Operations of the US Navy.

Like any other organization, the military finds that it is good to adopt social networks and a proactive social networks policy. Just erecting high walls and prohibiting people from using social networks would be a disaster.

And the Navy has found how social networks like Facebook can bring tremendous value to their action. Compared to official reporting, social networks give a more agile and deeper communication system, allowing to touch people directly, allowing a community to form and help on a local level, complementing the traditional hierarchical system of command.

As an organization, through social networks, the Navy also engages successfully the community of the sailors families, future recruits and any other person concerned by a Navy’s operation.

Adm Roughead goes on to mention three challenges for leaders in the Fourth Revolution:

  • the limit between work and private life is blurring considerably;
  • a balance needs to be found between accountability and empowerment;
  • resist the temptation to make it about you – don’t be ego-driven.

A final quote from Adm Roughead:

“it would be a strategic error of the most basic nature to not do everything you can to empower your workforce to communicate on behalf of the organization”

I encourage you to read Adm Roughead entire speech on social networks.

If the military can open to social networks and even leverage on them to be more effective, why are you still shy of adopting them in your organization?


Organizations that launch themselves only half-way in public social media destroy their brand

Social media is trendy. It is where companies can meet consumers, in particular the young generations. A lot of companies launch themselves for marketing purposes. But those who do so half-heartedly, thinking they can just broadcast their message without engaging with the people, are in fact lowering their brand reputation.

Overwhelming tall building
Are you overwhelmed by the Corporation?

As this paper “Lessons of the Exterminator: Transforming Your Social Media, One Customer at a Time” argues, nothing makes more of a difference than not responding to consumers complaints and remarks. If you’re claiming you’re social and you don’t react to consumers observations, you’re doomed on the long term. Unhappy consumers that get a response on their twitter or facebook complaints, and are then engaged in a meaningful conversation will, on the contrary, give the company the benefit of the doubt, and might even become one of their most fervent supporters.

There is a famous case-study involving DELL in 2005 (see this article on Dell’s hell as a summary). Dell took an inordinate amount of time to react and could only see the damage to the brand. They’ve taken the initiative since then and have become one of the brands most engaged in social networks (see a paper written late 2011 on “why Dell is still a great case study“), with a dedicated team engaging with customers and most of their employees trained in social network. Today they’ve learnt their lessons and they leverage social media  to the benefit of the brand.

That’s why you can’t really engage in public social media half-way. If you are not setup to respond immediately to consumer’s remarks, if you don’t empower your social network team to exceed expectations and give them the power to get the organization to react, you’re doomed.

Still 70% of the companies engaged in social media today don’t get it!

Don’t engage in social media just for the hype and the impression that it is trendy. If you engage, engage completely and be ready for challenge from the outside. A challenge, that taken positively, can  lead to substantial improvement in your business and your brand.

That is – are you ready to be challenged?


Every business should leverage an online presence, even small stores!

Not only services providers are now fully interconnected online today: every business – even those that consider themselves local, brick-and-mortar – should now consider that its clients are also online!

Example: the other day I was looking for a basic printing/copy shop around my place, for high volume,  2-sided printing when I need. Ideally I want to be able to send the files by email and then go to get the print-out. Impossible to find on internet; I had to walk around and discover one by myself. It would have been much easier if they had had an internet presence, and they would probably have much more clients over the entire town (I discovered that they can even deliver to your footstep as part of their standard services!)

online shopping in action
online shopping in action

In this brilliant post “Where the customers are“, Mitch Joel argues that even businesses that see themselves primarily as brick and mortar businesses should not underestimate the power of leveraging internet to develop their brands and their sales. And that in fact, in an ever more connected world, it becomes more and more important to have a presence online and connect with potential customers that might be miles away.

It might leverage your business or just increase your brand visibility. In any case it is necessary in a world where in particular the young generations are highly connected to internet and it is where they will look for what they need.

Moreover, every business, whatever its size, should leverage the value of creating a community around its offer, thus leveraging the value of ideas and suggestions from its supporters and followers. Even the small mom-and-pop store!

What do you think? Is that feasible and worthwhile for all businesses?


The power of crowdfunding, illustrated. Again. When will you change the world too?

For those of you who have been interested by the adventure of Amanda Palmer on Kickstarter (see How Crowdfunding redefines the future of Creation for million of artists), I just had a glimpse of her campaign’s result which just closed end May.

Amanda Palmer and the future of creation
Amanda Palmer and the future of creation

Have a look at Amanda’s kickstarter page. She had an objective to raise 100,000$.



Are you seated?…




She raised 1,192,793$. In less than 2 months.

She’ll do her compelling project, probably much more and most certainly we’ll hear about her in the future with some new, amazing, awesome projects.

No label, no publisher (which she dumped two years ago). Just the power of the crowd. People voted with their wallets.

Let’s look at the stats: 24,883 backers contributed an average of 48$ each. Out of them 11,100 contributed less than 5$. 20,500 contributed less than 25$. Ouch! Isn’t that democracy? Don’t you have 5$ to spend to support an artist you love??

I’m sure you want to change the world too. When will you leverage the power of the crowd for your project, and stop waiting for somebody else to decide whether what you are doing is right?


VIDEO OF THE QUARTER: Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the web

In this stunning video from TED, Kevin Kelly describes the revolution of the last 5,000 days of the Web and what is coming in the next 5,000 days. Knowing that the video was shot in 2007 we can already see some predictions coming true!

Fasten your seat belts, the world is now changing amazingly!

How the web will become a ONE machine and we will all be the ONE. How in 2040, the processing capability of the web will exceed the combined processing power of 6 billion individuals. And more insight about the tremendous changes that are happening in the world!


BREAKING NEWS: my new book, Project Soft Power, is published!

Miracle of the Fourth Revolution, my new book is now out to the world even before I have received the copies from the local printer!

Project Soft Power Book

It took less than 10 days to get the title setup on LightningSource and disseminated to all e-bookshop worldwide!!

And I can now announce also the launch of the Project Soft Power website where you can know more about the Project Soft Power concept, find extracts of the book…

Can’t wait? Here are some links to buy the book. Enjoy!

and on Kindle


How Crowdfunding redefines the future of Creation for million of artists

The International Herald Tribune published an amazing infographics about Kickstarter. According to these stats, this leading crowdfunding site gathered in 3 years more than 200 million dollars of funding!

Amanda Palmer and the future of creation
Amanda Palmer and the future of creation

Most of the funding happens to be for the creative arts. Yes, because crowdfunding redefines the future of all creative arts. Before, government subsidies were the only way to get funded when the big companies that controlled the market did not want to hear about you. Today, ordinary citizens vote with their feet.

Check out the example of the video of Amanda Palmer, a musician. As of early May she had already gathered more than 500K$, thanks to some viral diffusion by Seth Godin and others. The computation is simply awesome: 10,000 backers put on average 50$ to help her get her album out. And it’s not finished!!

Crowdfunding is changing the world. It redefines the economics and the possibility of Creation for millions or artists. And if you don’t believe it, just listen and watch the excitement of the creators. Go on Kickstarter.  And enjoy the video below!


Crowdfunding… a local bakery!

Crowdfunding is a very trendy idea. And crowdfunding a local shop using your customer base as an investor base? Look at how a local bakery got funding through a ‘soft’ crowdfunding initiative linked to the products!

cakes at a local bakeryThat form of crowdfunding is almost quite close to a a cooperative approach (investment upfront in exchange for cheaper products later), but it works and can serve to produce win-win solutions locally! What’s interesting is that people got involved into the project after they had been touched via social networks, as the bakery project did not have any storefront at the beginning.

So, social networks and crowdfunding can work at different scales, from the local to the regional to the global. How can we leverage these different scales?


Just change the work environment to release the potential of your organization!

Being now an independent entrepreneur I forget how many people still live in organizations that are still deep into the Industrial Age. Lately I was visiting an organization in the US and I was struck by the lifeless office.

Dull office corridor
Dull office corridor

Long, dull corridors. Light grey walls and dark grey carpets. People each in an individual office with standard furniture, padding away at their keyboard, eyes stuck on their screen. Silence. Few interactions save the weekly shared breakfast. Don’t know who my neighbour is.

Discussing about the next possible pay raise, about the pay grade, moaning about the work conditions and the boss. Moaning a lot.

Stuck in a box, doing the work from 8 to 5. Gone Friday at 1, exactly.

Bureaucracy as soon as I ask for something out of the ordinary (why on earth would you want two colors of post-its?).

I felt like I suddenly was in another world. I was so used to dynamic project open spaces with people moving around, discussing freely, interacting constantly!… Used to people working hard and passionately, where time flies!

Ouch! The worst is, the office I just described is normal to a majority of people. That’s normal to a large number of organizations. Actually it is the norm, anything different is looked at suspisciously.

Hey, there is another life out there! And as I was discussing with the senior management what to do to make the organization more dynamic, it was obvious: break the walls. Put in some color. Do everything you can to increase interaction. Get project teams to sit together instead of having its members sit in their respective departments at the other end of the building. Is that so complicated? No. Is that scary? Yes. That’s probably why I was served the argument of the budget as an apology not to change.

Release the potential of your people. Just create a conducive environment, and you’ll see the change. And above all, don’t be scared!
