How Different Power and Status Are

We are sometimes tempted to assimilate Power and Status. But these are quite different things. Valeria Maltoni in her post ‘Compound Effects in Influence‘ explains clearly the difference. And why we should try to aim at developing a bit of status as a way to be heard in the world – and not just power.

Status, but what about Power?

Power and status are two major dimensions in social hierarchy. When we have no power, it is status that helps us be heard.

Because status is something we earn through respect and competence, only others can give it to us. Power gives us control over resources, and it’s something we may be able to take based on that. But only focusing on power means we’re missing the opportunity to develop status — and status helps us play the long game in relationships, and in life.

In relationships, when we have power but no status, we may use that power to retaliate by using that power to degrade others. This is the mechanism that locks bullies into a perpetual cycle of escalating consequences if not addressed.
When we’re under the influence of raging emotions, we’re not watching for our biases and assumptions creeping into our arguments and thinking. This prevents us from using reason to understand what is really going on. We may be too close to the dynamics and situation and seek comfort in all the wrong places.”

Of course there is still the dimension of influence in addition to Power and Status. But understanding clearly the difference between Power and Status is essential.
