How Major Internet Companies Are Concerned About Societal Impact

There is an increasing concern by the leading Internet companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft etc of the societal consequences of technology. And they are trying to take the initiative, probably because they fear that otherwise there will be laws and regulations against them.

They went up to create a group called ‘Partnership on AI‘ that is currently bringing together internet giants, NGOs, key industrial consultants. It was ‘Established to study and formulate best practices on AI technologies, to advance the public’s understanding of AI, and to serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and its influences on people and society.’ It is based on the tenet that ‘We believe that artificial intelligence technologies hold great promise for raising the quality of people’s lives and can be leveraged to help humanity address important global challenges such as climate change, food, inequality, health, and education.’

The Bloomberg article ‘Microsoft Says AI Advances Will Require New Laws, Regulations‘ explains why those large companies are becoming concerned. The impact of AI will be wide ranging but first of all it is essential to prevent social upheaval. It feels a bit like the concern of the largest capitalists in the 19th century, keen to prevent the communist revolution: it is essential that benefits of the new value creation flow back to the people and that protection be granted. And in turn this would protect the de-facto monopoly of the internet giants. Will they win of lose?
