The thrill of publishing

The picture was taken in Kuala Lumpur International Airport at the end of August by a colleague (I went to check a few days later as I went through the airport, it was real!).

The Fourth Revolution Book in a bookshop
The Fourth Revolution Book in a bookshop

WOW. The Fourth Revolution in a bookshop almost next to ‘The Black Swan’ and other well known books.

I’m waiting to see the sales, but already I know that’s a great step forward. It now really feels like the book is in the public domain. Of course, it has been already for more than two months, but seeing it like that when stepping into the bookshop gives a thrill! It is visible to all theĀ travelersĀ in the airport, and I look forward to see people frankly outside my network reading it.

Deep inside, I know that publishing and distributing the book is just the start, but that’s quite a noticeable step in the right direction.

Why are we so thrilled by publishing? Probably because we let unknown people discover our deep inner thoughts, sharing quality time, intimate time with them. And this reflection of ourselves is probably the most potent personal change factor.

Publishing is a great way to start influencing the world. That’s just what the K.E.E.N. needs to practice doing. Publish to the world in whatever format – blog, comments on other’s blogs, books, interactive e-books or else. Do it, change the world. And change yourself, deeply.


(image credit: Hugh Irvine)

