Avoid no, but, however – and change your life

One of the greatest piece of advice I found lately comes from Marshall Goldsmith, in his book “what got you here won’t get you there“. I have tried to apply it consistently and it makes a very significant difference in my relationship with people.

Marshall Goldsmith
Marshall Goldsmith

His advice is the following; ban “no”, “but”, and “however” from your language.

Why? Because everytime you use “no”, “but”, and “however”, you’re just basically saying to somebody else that what they just expressed was stupid. That’s put a bit blunt, but that’s reality.

And face it: like everybody, you LOVE using “no”, “but”, and “however”, in fact you probably use it much more often than you think.

So, change to “yes”, “and”, “while”, and be collaborative, for once.

That will change your life.

Try it. Today.
