Video of the month: Gary Hamel on the future of management

In the following video, Gary Hamel, an influential business thinker, tackles the future of management, or how management needs to change to get out of the Industrial Age mindset.

Watch the video: Gary Hamel on “Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment” by following the link (16 min duration).

In the video, Gary explains what is conventional Industrial Age management, where it comes from, and why it is obsolete. Gary also explains what are the characteristics of the Collaborative Age organization. Don’t miss the example of HCL Technologies, an Indian IT company, where employees rate their boss, open a ticket when they are not happy with their boss or HR that get escalated if no satisfying response has been given within 24h, and more!

If you only have 2 min, look at least at this other video from Gary Hamel, “could you imagine a world without bosses?”

To finish let us dwell on this quote from Gary Hamel’s video:

You can’t build an organization which is fit for the future without making it fit for human beings

When do you change your organization to be more human-oriented?

[This video will be added to the Fourth Revolution Resource Center. Visit the Fourth Revolution Resource Center for all videos, book reviews and papers about the Fourth Revolution!]
