How to Calm Down To Find the Right Response to Your Issue

When you are panicked and stressed there is no way you can find the right way to resolve your problem. If you are calm right now, it might look a straightforward common-sense comment, but how often have you tried to find a way to resolve an issue while remaining panicky excited?

stressed executive
Stressed? Right now, calm down before reacting the wrong way!

That will only result in one phenomenon: you will REACT instead of RESPOND. There is a definite nuance between the two. Reaction is like a knee-jerk; it is unconscious and aims for selfish short-term protection. Response on the other hand is thoughtful, and can also take into into account wider interests as well as a long term view.

So the issue is how to calm down before doing something that you might regret later, in addition to probably be ineffective or even counter-productive. Time-off is the only solution, and then depending on the time available, different techniques can apply. When I have time I like to go walking for a while, or even exercising more actively. Ideally I like to spend a night on a difficult situation. When I don’t have time, I apply mindful breathing which in a few deep breaths do effectively lower my stress and allows me to respond instead of reacting.

These are quite easy; what is difficult is to recognize that you need some time off to cool down when you are in the midst of the difficult and stressful situation, so that you regain clarity of thought. It is worth taking the habit of regularly touching-base with yourself to consciously assess whether you are in that situation.

In any case, stop reacting in panic and stressed mode! Calm down and respond instead!
