Why Clarity Comes From Doing, Not Thinking

Clarity comes from engagement, not thought”. I am not quite sure whom to attribute that quote but it has become very much used on the internet (Marie Forleo seems to be a possible contender).

clarity_engagementAnyway, that is just a way to re-iterate that instead of over-thinking and over-intellectualizing it is quite more effective to go into action and find clarity there, in the midst of action and doing. That might require to survive to many iterations, to overcome dead-ends, and to survive to fundamental re-inventions of oneself. It’ll be tough but at least you’ll make significant progress towards clarity.

There is no better effective recipe than diving into action to gain clarity.

And that is very much applicable to one’s personal purpose. You won’t find it reading books and theorizing while surfing on the internet. You’ll discovering through creating stuff, interacting with people.

It is also applicable to entrepreneurs when it comes to the business model of their ventures. It is only through trial and error that they will find what the market actually wants.

Stop over-thinking right now! Go and DO something!

Hat tip to Ishita Gupta for raising my awareness of the quote and her great explanation of the concept in one of her regular emails.
