How We Can’t Change our Past but We Can Shape Our Future

I like this quote from Om Swami: “Your past is like the baked clay pot. It’s already been through the fire, it’s hard, its shape is set. We can’t re-mold it. Any attempt to do so will break it. Whereas the present is like the soft clay, you can shape it however you like. How one casts it varies from one person to another.”

potter in actionLet’s take this image this a bit further. We certainly have the possibility to shape our future (within the forces we can control). What should be do with the past? Sometimes it seems it could be a good idea to preserve it as it is; or even to build some more on top of it. Sometimes it might be worth shattering it though and start anew without looking at it.

Be gentle and generous with the way you shape your present and future – still, do shape it!

