How to do Great Work: Stop Trying to Please Everybody!

I like this quote from Robin Sharma: “You can do world-class work. Or you can please everyone around you. But you can’t do both“.

Work or please Robin Sharma quoteHe continues: “the full expression of your gifts, talents and genius into the world is more than worth the disapproval you’ll attract. Actually, your mastery demands it“.

Of course this immediately attracts the image of the artist genius, completely ignored by its contemporaries, or even disdained by society. We can’t all afford to live likeĀ these extremes.

Yet even in my situation of a consultant, I know that I will sometime annoy my surroundings and my clients when I am trying to respond to my vision. What is important is that what happensĀ is explained openly and genuinely. People will recognize a vision and usually respect it. And what is also important is to grow and count on a group of supporters in the face of adversity.

For sure, we should not try to please everybody, and we should not try to anger everybody as well. We need to make sure that at all times we can count on supporters, because they will motivate us to do the work we are here to do.

How much we influence the world is measured by how much we force people to change their mind. Not by how much we please them.
