Why Pleasure Can Accelerates Change (only Together with Pain)

It is quite commonplace to state that pain is required for change, and that change occurs when the pain to change is less than the pain to stay in the same condition.

pain changeTony Robbins says  that we need in addition to access some kind of leverage to accelerate change. That pain is required for change. And thus, “to access leverage, you must help someone associate massive PAIN to not changing NOW, and massive PLEASURE to changing immediately. The motivation is based on both pain AND pleasure. Pain is short-term motivation, but you need the pleasure side for long-term motivation.”

He continues, “The truth is everyone in life has developed different strategies or patterns for getting out of pain and into pleasure. Thus, if we want to create permanent and consistent change, what we must do is develop a new set of patterns of how to get out of pain and into pleasure. In other words, in order to create lasting change, we must use pain to get people’s attention and energize them to want to make the change, but then we must link pleasure to the new pattern to make it last

To create change, do not just highlight the pain of not changing – entice the change with immediate and future pleasure. A new way to design Change Management plans?
