Why You Should Always Look Far Ahead

In life we need to look far away at our goals and intent to keep balance and keep our position with respect to our reference.

surfingThis summer I took some surf classes and I got some advice which I had already heard a number of times previously in other instances: to keep standing up, don’t look at your feet, but always look far ahead. Then you’ll get balance and direction.

It was the same when I was flying gliders close to the mountains: instead of looking whether your wingtip touches the cliff, look far ahead and you’ll find the right distance from the mountain.

I like this image because I think it is also applicable to life. We’re in life moving with some speed in a difficult environment, with obstacles around. We’re not static! And we need to keep balance. If we look to close, or if we look to what we think is the danger, we will lose balance and fall. We need to look far away to keep good references as to our actual situation.

Keep looking far, it is the secret for balance.
