How We Can’t Escape Being Tracked and Photographed

With the Fourth Revolution, we can’t escape being photographed, recognized and tagged. Lately I was waiting to cross a street in Singapore when a Google Car passed by – and there am I on Google Streetview. My face is blurred but I remain quite recognizable!

Me waiting to cross a street in Singapore - on Google Streetview!
Me waiting to cross a street in Singapore – on Google Streetview!

Often on the streets we meet people taking pictures with their phones and it is quite certain that we must be in the background of numerous shots. Face recognition algorithms (such as Facebook’s) have certainly identified us in many situations, not to mention the public video surveillance systems.

Public space is more public than ever, and broadcast worldwide. Even private space is not so safe (I am surprised by the number of people in Asia who constantly cover the video camera of their laptop for fear of pirates shooting videos!). Many videos and sound tracks leak that are taken in otherwise supposedly private meetings.

That’s definitely a trend we can’t escape. I understand people are anxious with this change in particular if they’re caught in an unsuitable situation. Personally it makes me sometimes uneasy to think that in theory, someone could certainly track in detail my whereabouts (not to mention the GPS on the phone I carry). On the other hand, it can also be enhanced safety compared to the situation years ago.

As with everything, we will need to learn how to put safeguards and take advantage of the phenomenal advantages of modern technology. This one might be tougher as it visibly enters our private life.
