How Room Temperature Can Change Dramatically Meeting Outcomes

Marshall Goldsmith describes an astonishing experience in his new book ‘Triggers‘: “Many years ago I was speaking at an off-site gathering of partners from a consulting firm. Although my previous work with this firm had gone well, this time something wasn’t working. No give-and-take, no lively laughter, just a group of very smart people sitting on their hands. I finally realized that the room was too hot. Amazingly, by merely turning down the temperature in the room, the session got back on track”

room_temperatureI think Marshall makes an excellent observation and it’s a key learning point for me in my facilitation activities for the future! Marshall Goldmith has now decided that room temperature was a key parameter to set: “Like a rock star demanding red M& Ms in the dressing room, I’m now a bit of a diva about insisting on a cool environment for my presentations.”

Up to now, while I knew that it is important to care about the comfort of the participants, I had not identified how temperature plays such an important role. Maybe we should also review that parameter in our offices and where we do important presentations!
