Why We Need to Restore Productivity Through Collaboration

Productivity is the basis of wealth. Yet after decades of sustained growth in the Industrial Age, its growth has been progressively slowing down since theĀ 1970s, and is almost plateauing today. This causes economic stagnation.

In a very interesting TED talk, Yves Morieux explains how this crisis is due to a change in the concept of efficiency – because value has shifted, due to the Fourth Revolution.

Yves Morieux explains that the traditional tenets of the corporation (clarity, measurement, accountability) are obsolete and have to be replaced by collaboration. “To cooperate is not a super effort, it is how you allocate your effort. It is to take a risk, because you sacrifice the ultimate protection granted by objectively measurable individual performance. It is to make a super difference in the performance of others, with whom we are compared”.

Clarity, accountability, measurement were OK when the world was simpler. But business has become much more complex”. And thus the processes and effort around clarity, measurement and accountability and the innumerable processes around these issues have become a liability instead of an advantage.

Collaboration is the key to effectiveness in a complex world. Remove the rules around individual measurement and focus on getting the maximum out of collaboration!
