A live example of how the Fourth Revolution brings opportunities to developing countries

I want to share with you a true story of how the Fourth Revolution can bring incredible opportunities, regardless of whether you are living in a developing country.

A few month ago I was thinking about the concept of the Fourth Revolution, and considering maybe to write a book, when I stumbled on this image in the middle of a slideshow of diverse stunning images (thanks Jean-Marc!!)

a picture by Alim Boeana
a picture by Alim Boeana

WOW – I thought, that’s a great illustration of the Fourth Revolution concept! How can you get more visual?

So I went to try to get a copy of the picture in high definition so that I could use it for printing, and possibly the Fourth Revolution book’s cover.

So I googled a little bit, found soon the name of the photographer, Alim Boeana, and uncovered within a few minutes that he is a young and talented photographer from Indonesia, working in Bali and Yogjakarta.

After trying unsuccessfully a few email addresses I could find on the internet I finally managed to establish the contact thanks to Facebook (you can send messages to people you don’t know). We quickly came to an arrangement for the license for the picture, I transferred the money using Paypal, and I received the full high quality pictures by email. They now adorn the website, the blog and soon the cover of the book.

So, what’s the lesson from the story? Having posted some pictures on internet, Alim put a seed to the world. He could be seen. His stunning pictures were reproduced and spread from person to person. I could contact him although he is in a developing country, and that made absolutely no difference. And, in a typical win-win situation, Alim could get an unforeseen compensation for his pain and talent, and I could get a great picture for my project.

Just 5 years ago this would not have been possible without excessive pain, and probably we could never have been able to contact each other.

Who now still says the Fourth Revolution has not ignited? And that the entire world is not participating?
