The lizard and the Fourth Revolution

We developed our biological construct as primates and then hunter gatherers. We were wandering, very vulnerable, in a hostile nature. We developed very effective warning signals for any change that could have fatal consequences. Our primitive brain, the first to process sensory information, triggers quick response in case of anything outside the usual.

the lizard
the lizard

That is what Seth Godin calls “the lizard brain”. It never sleeps. It constantly monitors the environment. It reacts to any change.

In our modern world the lizard brain is still at work. It protects us usefully from dangerous situations, but also kicks in and prevents us from doing worthwhile activities. It is the lizard brain that prevents us from public speaking – a dangerous situation, at the center of attention of so many pairs of eyes!

The lizard brain is also at work when it comes to the Fourth Revolution. In the face of change, our natural reaction is to retreat in a safe environment. In an environment that we think is safe because it is well known and has served faithfully our parents and grand parents.

Yet the Industrial Age is now crumbling. Rather than trying to hide behind the walls of the citadels of the Industrial Age, which will only resist for a while before being swept away by the tsunami of change, the safest option is then probably to leap forward into the Fourth Revolution.

This is not intuitive. It goes against our deepest reflexes. It needs exercise, practice and will to go outside one’s comfort zone willingly, to tame the lizard.

When do you start taming your lizard?
