Dear reader, you might be surprised that although I value you very much, I do blog in great part for myself.
I find that writing blogs, with the self-imposed discipline of a publication 3 times a week, forces me to sit down, slow down and think about important stuff. It forces me to focus my attention on what is really important and think about the condition of the world around me.
For me it is about writing, but I guess everybody should have a practice that responds to the same criteria, i.e. impose some sort of a discipline slowing down and thinking about what happens around us.
The plus of writing is that writing is a way to concentrate and reformulate ideas until they take a shape that makes sense. In addition, writing to publish adds some quality requirement that does not leave us put our guard down.
I hope you still get a lot of value from reading my blog and the ideas and thoughts I capture to share with you! And maybe you should blog too?