The power of collaborative information: a live demo, right now!

Do you follow the evolution of the situation in Fukushima nuclear power plant? I do, and it happens I know a bit about nuclear power plants and nuclear safety. So basically, as in any field where you happen to know a bit more than average, I am frustrated by the approximations of conventional media.

So, I was looking for the best source of information for me – not just high level plain-vanilla information but accurate and detailed information to allow me to understand what was happening.

I found it.

It’s not CNN or any of the television news networks.

It’s not the International Herald Tribune or any of the newspaper web sites.

It’s Wikipedia. The Fukushima 1 article is up-to-date as quickly as the professional media and much, much more precise and detailed.

Fukushima NPP accident picture (from Wikipedia)
Fukushima NPP accident picture (from Wikipedia)

The power of the Fourth Revolution in action: the collaborative enterprise of amateurs beats the professional news.

When do you start looking at Wikipedia and other collaborative news sites for a better information coverage?
