The scariest is not to start something new, it is to stop something ongoing

I am a Coach and I find through my experiences that one of the most difficult stumbling blocks for personal change is for people to stop doing things.

We are often scared to start new things. What will be the result for us? How are other going to look at us?

But because it adds things to our life, our character, our reputation, because the new can be exciting, with a little or more effort this fear can be overcome, and we effectively start the new activities.

Though, you can’t continue to add up things in your life without removing others… or you’ll have a burn-out problem.

And then comes the even more scary part: removing activities, habits that one has developed over time. We feel comfortable with them. They become part of our identity. It is scary to abandon them for the benefit of some new, uncertain things and activities.

Stop and go sign
Stop and go sign

It is where most people fail: stopping old things to give room to new things. They don’t fail to start new things, but because they don’t abandon old things, they don’t devote the time and attention to the new things and they falter.

Overcoming the fear of stopping and abandoning things and habits is the hardest. It is where the Coach needs to concentrate.

So, when do you make an habit to abandon every year what makes 5 to 10% of your time and replace it with new, better activities?
