The education system revolution: developing curiosity

Our current education system was created during the Industrial Age. It was made mandatory in the second half of the 19th century in most developed countries to produce the manpower Industry was requiring.

What skills were taught? Basic literacy and conformance.

Einstein on curiosity and education
Einstein on curiosity and education

No wonder that Einstein reflected “It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education”.

Curiosity is now what we need. What we need to develop – with some other skills like Presence and Choice. Because we need to educate for creativity.

When will we say “It is a miracle that conformance survived education”?

Sooner than we can expect, because the young generation today thrives by being curious. But that will require great changes in our education system. And then for sure the Collaborative Age will be flourishing!

Note – the image of this blog comes from the “Presentation zen” blog, a blog by Garr Reynold, a presentation specialist living in Japan, with some very interesting insights about what it takes to do great presentations.
