How Ethnography Deciphers Consulting Intervention Success

In this excellent and en-lighting article (in French) ‘Working on the Client to Carry Out a Mission. Ethnography of an Experience in Strategic Consultancy‘, an ethnologist examines what makes consulting missions successful. To achieve his conclusions he was embedded with the team in a strategic consulting project.

According to him, success is achieved not only thanks to the data and analysis capability of the consultants, but mostly thanks to 3 key relationship processes:

  • enrol the client to become an active member of the team
  • create a community with the client by redefining the borders
  • manage the client internal politics by associating with some key actors

What I find interesting in this aspect is how he shows that relationship and emotional work is essential in the success of the consulting intervention. Although consultants are hired mainly on the basis of their knowledge and capability, this constitutes only a small part of what is required for success.
