How Challenge and Teaching Combine in Self-Development

In ‘Ego is the Enemy‘, Ryan Holiday exposes a method for self-development called the plus, minus and equal. “The mixed martial arts pioneer and multi – title champion Frank Shamrock has a system he trains fighters in that he calls plus, minus, and equal. Each fighter, to become great needs to have someone better that they can learn from, someone lesser who they can teach , and someone equal that they can challenge themselves against

I find this idea of combining challenge, teaching and training a great idea in self-development.

I have the experience of how enriching teaching can be as it forces to order one’s knowledge and deliver it in a consistent manner, enriched by the questions of the trainees.

At the same time, looking upwards to someone stronger as a challenge is a great way to improve (this can be for specific skills only, as I find it difficult with time to have a role model covering all the skills I aspire to).

And having a sparing partner to exchange ideas and train on a regular basis is great too.

So, when do you adopt the plus, minus and equal rule in your personal development?
