How the End of the Office and Meeting Rooms Looms

This is the end of the traditional office. Many people around me, even in management positions, have no assigned desk any more. They get available desks in an open space when they turn up in the morning. They are on the road anyway, or work remotely one or two days per week. I operate myself an office-less company (since we are mainly on the road to clients anyway).

Mitch Joel considers how meeting rooms are becoming obsolete too in his post ‘Walk it Off‘: “Laptops and connectivity have fundamentally changed the way we work and maybe this type of untethered work environment is also manifesting itself in how we physically think about the definition of a meeting. I know, that walking isn’t exactly new technology, but hearing that more and more business leaders are conducting meetings during walks feels like a new-ish trend to me.”

The trend is definitely against the traditional office and meeting room. Some more traditional organisations resists but the trend is definitely there. How do you fare? When will you transform your traditional office setup?
