How to be More Lucky in Life: the Luck Factor

I read with great interest the excellent book ‘The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind‘ by Richard Wiseman, a professional magician turned psychology professor. He studied scientifically, through a number of experiments, how “lucky people” differ from “unlucky people”. The interesting point is that it basically describes what are the behaviors to have in a random world where a number of events happen, that can be good or bad.

He describes 4 principles for a lucky life:

  1. Maximize your chance opportunities
  2. Listen to your lucky huches
  3. Expect good fortune
  4. Turn your bad luck into good

When looking at those principles, it is all about: 1 – increasing the flux of possible events (lucky and unlucky) in your life, 2 – based on your conscious and subconscious analysis, bet more on those that appear lucky, 3 – be open-minded and persist, 4 – do not persist in bad luck, and consider positively what you learn from bad luck to get more lucky the next time.

This is the application to life of the right behaviors to have for example when speculating on the stock market: increase the frequency of bets, try to bet more on stocks that have good fundamentals, be positive and persistent but cut losses when they appear.

The interesting part is that it seems that by applying those principles more consistently, it is possible to become more lucky in life. What about trying?
