How to Create More Opportunities in Your Life

Following up from the previous post ‘How to be More Lucky in Life: the Luck Factor‘ inspired by the book ‘The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind‘ by Richard Wiseman, let’s dwell on the specific issue of increasing opportunities in our life (whatever their luck content). When I read this book I realized I may need to do some effort in that respect.

In this instance, Richard Wiseman exposes 3 sub-principles:

  1. Lucky people build and maintain a strong ‘network of luck’
  2. Lucky people have a relaxed attitude towards life
  3. Lucky people are open to new experiences in their life

It is all about trying not to be closed-in in our usual world but be open to new ideas, new people, new encounters and welcome those inputs that may be outside our comfort zone. Richard Wiseman insists on the opportunity offered by meeting new people we don’t know and the need to be able to accept widely different worldviews to open our horizons and create new opportunities.

“Luck is when preparation meets opportunities”: the issue here is to create more opportunities, and then be prepared to act on them through openness and availability (in terms of time, mentally and emotionally).

For me, this acts as a useful reminder that it is extremely important to act laterally, meet people and go to meetings that may not be directly connected with what I am doing, but that allow to expand my worldviews; and also to try to take advantage of chance encounters as much as possible. I have tried to increase those opportunities in the last few months.

And you, what will you do to create more opportunities in your life?
