How the Economy Increasingly Becomes a Project Economy

In this post ‘Welcome to the Project Economy‘, an interesting perspective if given on the transformation of economic activity towards a project-based activity (to be taken with a pinch of salt though, the author being part of PMI and thus promoting project-specific training and certification).

Still, the historical perspective provided in the post is interesting and quite aligned with my views. “A century [after the Industrial Revolution], the future of work has once again become a central topic. Technological advancements and automation are provoking a business transformation every bit as radical as the one set in motion a hundred years ago.” “Amidst all this chaos, one thing is clear: the 4th Industrial Revolution has unleashed The Project Economy. The fusion of physical and digital in a desire to blend speed and precision as organizations integrate strategy design and delivery, is taking hold in broader and more sophisticated ways“. The post goes on to give interesting examples in a number of companies and industries.

I certainly concur about this transformation and this explains why I am passionate about project management. At the same time, there are many different types of projects and ways to approach them, and it may be a bit excessive to broaden the concept too much or to try to put all projects under the same approaches and methods.

What’s exciting is that each project remains a single human adventure involving a limited team to create new stuff that may change the world. How many projects are you in at the moment?
