When will governments finally realize that the interconnected economy is already here?

The world acts today as if governments still lived in the good ol’ days of powerful national economic policy.

That’s just obsolete.

The crisis in the Euro zone shows that economies are truly interconnected, even between continents. We know that there will be soon a dollar crisis as there is currently a euro crisis (the same causes, debt, necessarily causing the same effects). The rest of the world can’t just watch doing nothing. We are too interconnected today.

This extremely interesting piece of research about how interconnected private companies really are gives another highlight. Unfortunately the “Big Brother” pitch of the article is I believe, wrong. It is not that a small number of companies would control the world; it is that a limited number of companies are central nodes in the network through the quality and density of their connections. In the terminology of Gladwell, they are ‘mavens’.

The world is fully interconnected
A fully interconnected world

The big economic powers of the previous century are not really economic power in the sense of imposing their will; they are well connected nodes in a worldwide economical network.

Our governments must stop behaving as if we were 50 years ago. The solutions to the 1929 crisis won’t apply today.

We are all interconnected. We not only need an economical coordination at the European level, we need one at the Global level. The Fourth Revolution will change forever the balance of power from the Industrial Age; adjustments will be difficult but necessary. Only with the right coordination of economic policy will their effects be more smooth, avoiding deep, damaging crisis.

Ladies and gentlemen in government, the Fourth Revolution is here. Be proactive. See that we are all interconnected and act in consequence. Will you?


How the current financial turmoil is a positive indicator of the Fourth Revolution

The financial world is going through a storm. The balance of economy is shifting. What was not a problem before (sovereign debt) is a problem now. Developed economies are in turmoil. Manufacturing and utility companies suffer. Stock markets undergo shock after shock. Still, the companies that embody the Fourth Revolution, those companies of the internet, do not seem to suffer. They continue to grow.

What happens?

historical railroad stock 19th century
historical railroad stock 19th century

An interesting similar situation happened in the 19th century when the development of railroad redefined the economy and value chain for many products. Many startups were created, that contributed to a fantastic development of the railroad network.

And the stock market suffered shock after shock as the economy adjusted to the new, tremendous value brought by speedy transportation. There were regular crisis, there were regular financial panics, in all developed countries like the US, UK or France. New and old companies collapsed.

Still the railroad networks continued to develop through the successive crisis and the economy really took all the benefit of the economies of scale brought by the Industrial Age.

The fact that the stock market suffers crisis is not just the result of speculation. It is a sure sign that the economy is trying to adjust to a significant shift of the value chain creation.

financial panic in the 19th century over railroad stocks
financial panic in the 19th century over railroad stocks

Like it happened in the 19th century, it happens again today. The pictures of the financial crisis of the 19th century remind us of those pictures of today.

The world struggles to adjust to a new balance of value creation, the value brought by the Fourth Revolution. It removes borders; it accelerates exchange of goods and ideas; it changes significantly the value chain by diminishing the relative value of extractive and manufacturing industries.

The current economic crisis is another precursor of the Fourth Revolution. We can help minimize its impact by recognizing that it is an effect of the Fourth Revolution. By leaning into it instead of adopting defensive positions.

Are you ready to shift to the Fourth Revolution value production and diffusion system?



The Fourth Revolution book is #2 in Leadership bestsellers on Amazon.com Kindle store!

The Fourth Revolution book has been downloaded HUNDREDS of time already since the promotion for a FREE download has started. THANKS TO YOU, it has made it already to the #2 bestselling book on Amazon.com Kindle shop for Leadership – category Free Kindles, alongside well known books and authors (see below)!

The Fourth Revolution book #2 in Leadership bestsellers on Amazon.com!
The Fourth Revolution book #2 in Leadership bestsellers on Amazon.com! (Jan 2 at 9pm Singapore time)

It has also made it to #4 on Amazon.co.uk Kindle store “management and leadership” category, #1 in Amazon.fr Kindle store english books “Futurology” category and #2 in Amazon.fr Kindle store “Leadership” category!

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.com’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.co.uk’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.fr’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.de’s Kindle store

Still 36 hours to get your free Kindle copy and understand the Fourth Revolution – and thrive through the world’s transformation! Don’t miss the opportunity!!


For the new year, the Fourth Revolution for free on Kindle for 72h only! Happy New Year!

2012 will be a year of changes. Changes to the world, changes to you. 2012 will be the year of the Fourth Revolution.

2012 revolution
2012 - the revolution year!

To celebrate this new year, the Fourth Revolution book on Kindle is free for 72 hours only!

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.com’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.co.uk’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.fr’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.de’s Kindle store

Read the Fourth Revolution book and change your life!

Happy new year 2012!


This year’s 10 most popular Fourth Revolution Blog posts

At the time where we wish good bye to 2011 and we prepare ourselves for an exciting year 2012 ahead, I thought I would list the 10 most popular blog posts of the year for the Fourth Revolution Blog for your (re-)reading pleasure:

Bonus: positive emotions improve health!

Open data hacking: Fourth Revolution value creation in action

How simple is it to get positive emotions?

How algorithms change our world (video of the month)

What’s the use of feeling more positive?

Establishing effective co-located teams is not in contradiction with the Fourth Revolution

How the “War of Art” changed me

Stop disseminating the image of the factory worker as a representation of the economy!

Soft power leadership: what about a book?

Co-creation or the Fourth Revolution in action

Bonus: read this exclusive post by Jeremie published by SocialMediaToday, “5 reasons organizations don’t implement internal social networks and 5 reasons they should“, seen by 450 people and counting!

I wish you all, and your families, an exciting and fulfilling new year 2012!


Multiple identities on internet: why debate? The trend is obvious!

Should multiple identities be allowed for a single individual on the internet?

The debate rages. Facebook and Google+ try to force everyone to show a single identity. Still, since the beginning of internet, geeks often like to have different identities for different purposes. A good reference is this blog post about the views of a typical geek, Chris Poole.

Showing different identities in parallel is extremely difficult in the real physical world. The few exceptions like a husband having several wives in different places, unbeknownst to the others, are strange enough to be good topics for Hollywood.

multiple identities
who will you be today on internet?

On the internet, however, it is quite easy to have several identities in parallel. And even if Facebook and Google+ try to force us into a single, lifetime identity, it is relatively easy to circumvent those controls – sharing networks is only more difficult, and having multiple identities is not practical for everybody.

Still, we all have multiple identities already. We don’t send on our corporate emails the same messages to the same people than from our personal email. We don’t network with the same people and discuss the same topics on Facebook and on LinkedIn.

This debate is thus futile. Yes, we have, and we all manage different identities. They are more or less consistent. But they are different. And the number of identities we will have will grow, and become more deeply different.

As the Fourth Revolution book argues, while the population on Earth might reach a plateau, the number of identities on internet will continue to grow tremendously. And this will create more value for everybody.

Don’t freak out. Maintain and develop your different identities on the internet!


A generation-driven Revolution is in the making!

In the same Facebook paper that describes how our world is much smaller than we thought, and is shrinking, there is another very interesting curve.

facebook age of friends curve
the age of your friends on facebook, depending on your own age

The comment in the paper is mostly on the fact that we tend to connect with people of our age – there is a sharp spike, even at age 60.

Still this curve carries a lot of other very interesting information. The most obvious is that we tend to connect with younger people, not at all with people older than ourselves. And as a consequence, the generation in their 20’s appears to be very disconnected from the older generations.

What is the consequence? The generation in their 20’s, for which Facebook and other social networks is a normal part of the world, evolves rather independently. This is a sure source of Revolutions.

Brace! Driven by the generation born in the 1990’s, the Revolution is coming.


The world is small… even smaller than you thought, and shrinking!

If you follow the news, you might have heard about this groundbreaking study by Facebook about how people are connected.

For a long time, there was the 6 degree of separation theory: anybody could be connected to anybody else through 5 other people who know each other. Interestingly, because testing this hypothesis was cumbersome in the pre-internet world, only one study was done, on a limited sample, in the 1960’s, which grossly confirmed the theory. (Upon closer study, this experiment also showed that some rare people have a much more far-reaching network than others and that they played a critical role in establishing the connection).

Today, as a large proportion of Humankind is on Facebook, our connectivity can be measured on the internet. The result is given in this Facebook report. The following curve is extracted from the report.

the degrees of separation on Facebook
degrees of separation on Facebook

It shows that for the entire Facebook there are only roughly on average 4 intermediate people between any 2 individuals on Earth. The friend of your friend knows the friend of the friend of anyone else! Even more shocking, when looking at a particular country like the USA, only 3 intermediaries are necessary.

In addition these curves show that with an increased connectivity in the virtual world, with more and more people on social networks, we grow to be closer and closer to each other; each year we need less and less intermediaries to connect to anybody else. The world is shrinking in front of our eyes!

Let’s not forget that probably the same phenomenon is at work that was observed in earlier experiments: some particularly well connected individuals, few in numbers, are probably those through which most connections could be established. Still, right now, we just discovered that the world is much smaller than we thought.

As I start to be well connected on social networks I discover how I reconnect to people I lost track of, and how I manage to connect to really great, interesting people.

The world is shrinking rapidly. Don’t waste the opportunity! Join the Fourth Revolution!



Grab the Fourth Revolution Kindle book for 3.99$ only, and thrive through the world’s transformation!

As we are getting close to the end of the year, time for the festive season and for the period of deciding good resolutions for 2012, I want to make sure that you get the opportunity to read the Fourth Revolution book: understand the main drivers of the world’s transformation to be successful and thriving tomorrow. And act and change accordingly!!

Fourth Revolution book Kindle version
Fourth Revolution book (Kindle version)

Because it is important that you be successful, the Fourth Revolution book’s Kindle version is being sold temporarily at the astonishingly low price of 3.99$ or 2.98 euros*. Think about the value you’ll get to understand the world at this price!

This promotion will not last long. Get your copy today from Amazon’s Kindle store!

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.com’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.co.uk’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.fr’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on Amazon.de’s Kindle store

If you don’t have a Kindle you can read this e-book on a Kindle reader available for free for all Apple products (iPad, iPhone etc) and Windows

* depending where you order from there might be some additional local taxes applied on top of this net price


The incredibly far reaching Industrial Age imprisonment, crushing our dreams

Why is there so much frustration and so many people that don’t really do what they long to do, what they dream to do?

Ever since I have written a book, every time I present it, I get more questions on how I managed to write and publish it, than on the book itself! So many people dream to write a book, or have written a book already!

Ever since I have announced to the world that I was leaving the comfortable corporate environment to be an entrepreneur, I get more questions on how I manage to do it than on my actual project itself! So many people dream to start their business, so many people have a truly good business idea ready for application!

The answer is obvious, of course: fear, which often hides behind busy-ness (being busy on actions with little impact, spending one’s time). All of this entertained by Industrial Age institutions, which repeat endlessly how inappropriate it is to be weird, to have initiative, and lock us into a system from which it is difficult to escape.

Of course these institutions look like they provide us with a stable, safe environment. That was maybe true in the past, but today we know that’s really overrated. No job is really safe today in any corporation. Still, we cling to that mindset for lack of another safe haven. And the Industrial Age system also cleverly provided barriers to our dreams: large mortgages that limit drastically our financial freedom; tax, professional and immigration legislation that limit our freedom of movement or of choosing our activity.

parachute tandem jump
do you need a buddy for tandem jump?

There are ways to minimize risk when starting a venture. Have good advice and support from people who have gone through the transition (like you stay safe during your first free fall jump by having an experienced person jumping in tandem with you). Have a parachute already open that slows down your scary dynamics (a signed contract, savings…) and gives you more time. Have encouragement and support from your family and friends.

You know what? It is rare to find someone who has jumped out of the Industrial Age system and has really, deeply failed. Of course people go through temporary failures until they find their way; they might not seek and get those shiny things that Industrial Age ego would crave (a larger car, a larger house, etc); still, overall I find that people who jumped are more happy. And above all their contribution to the world is just tremendous.

I can barely imagine how the world will be when a significant portion of people will have jumped outside the Industrial Age, when the number of K.E.E.Ns will have increased dramatically, and when all these people will share their talents and contributions with all of us, creating a very different place to live.

Let’s go and do it. Overcome your fear. Become a real K.E.E.N.. Come on, jump!




Fourth Revolution Video of the month: John Hagel on modern organization and work

John Hagel in his video on modern organization and workforce explains

John Hagel
John Hagel

how management – and the organization – and our life – will change with the Fourth Revolution. Watch and understand how your life will change!

Find more videos and resources about the Fourth Revolution on the Fourth Revolution’s resource center on the Fourth Revolution website!


The Fourth Revolution in 10 bullet points

I have had some requests for a quick digest of the Fourth Revolution book.

So, here is ‘The Fourth Revolution’ in 10 points:

  1. the Fourth Revolution changes the world as we know it fundamentally: our society, our institutions, the way we live… as much as society was transformed between the Agricultural and the Industrial Age;
  2. The Fourth Revolution root cause is cheap long distance interactive communication capabilities; that’s new and unprecedented;
  3. the Fourth Revolution will take a few decades to spread completely, yet it changes our world quickly already, and we need to change ourselves now to thrive through it;
  4. The Fourth Revolution development will be difficult and possibly painful at times. Yet overall, the development of humankind will allow more people to contribute to our collective cognitive capability, changing the world ultimately for the better;
  5. The value creation capability of the Collaborative Age is orders of magnitude higher than Manufacturing or Agriculture, the latter activities will become subsidized;
  6. The organization will become open and fluid – open to the influence of the outside, to a network of followers, a turbulent succession of temporary projects;
  7. The prevailing leadership style will be ‘mutual learning’ leadership. The leader is not any more the person who knows the way, he is the one who catalyzes the group;
  8. The leaders of the Collaborative Age will be the nomad K.E.E.Ns (Knowledge Exchanging Enhancing Networkers). They will drive their own career, and are fully nomadic;
  9. It is possible to be happy being a farmer or working in a factory. It is a choice. The worst is not to make any choice. Choose now whether to lean or not into the Fourth Revolution;
  10. On an unprecedented scale, each of us can change the world. The world can shaped the way we want, let’s do it now!

Of course each of these bullet points warrants a full development, which is exactly the purpose of the book…

Would you have additional bullet points to add?
