The dawn of the World Dream

After the Fourth Revolution, the World Dream will be the dream of billions of individuals.

It will replace the American Dream.

What will be the World Dream?

First, it will state that whatever your origin, color, ethnicity, and wherever you live, you have a chance to be successful. You have a chance to become part of the leadership of the Collaborative Age. And this apply to the entire World, thanks to cheap, long distance interactive communication. This is a revolution for 80% of Humankind!

Second, what will make you successful is not what made you successful in the Industrial Age. In the Industrial Age, compliance, hard work, career, diploma, were crucial. What is important in the Collaborative Age is to develop a unique personal brand, to get noticed on the virtual collaborative universe, to produce a unique contribution to the world, to connect emotionally with many individuals.

Third, the outcome of the World Dream will not only be the materialistic comfort of home –  although a minimum satisfaction of basic material needs is still crucial. It will be the feeling to have contributed usefully to the life of a number of other people, to have created a new way of looking at the world, of having opened the eye of a community on a particular issue. Instead of discretion it will be, a strong public presence.

Are we ready to dream the World Dream? Many young people in developing and emerging countries already dream it. Let’s joint them. And act accordingly.


The end of the materialistic American Dream.

This is the end of the American Dream.

classical american dream picture
classical american dream picture

At least part of it. The part that was materialistic. The part where middle class workers, if working hard and persistently, could pretend to all the materialistic belongings that the consumption society would offer: a house, a car, a fridge, a TV…

That’s because, being a middle class employee of a large manufacturing company is a concept that is disappearing with the end of the Industrial Age.

That’s because we are not any more in an Age of materialistic scarcity. We are now an era of abundance. Material belongings define much less our identity.

Still so many people are fond of the image of the “American dream”, possibly because it is a secure life of lifelong employment, where plans could be made over decades in a stable environment, where progressive savings would buy the belongings of your dreams.

Stop dreaming. That’s over.
Don’t live in delusion. The world has changed.

It is not getting more unsafe. It is getting different. The Fourth Revolution is there. It will change our image of success.
Tomorrow, the World Dream will be ours.


Not a lot of people know how to market themselves

Knowing how to market oneself is a great differentiator. It can mean orders of magnitude of differences in influence, revenue. It makes the difference between the competent-knowledgeable, and the successful achievers.

What prevents us from developing this important skill?

  • as we saw in the previous blog post, developing a personal unique brand is against Industrial Age mindset and is rejected by our social environment;
  • marketing oneself is scary, because it means standing up and getting rejected more often than accepted;
  • successful marketing involves developing an emotional connection with prospective buyers, and this is not something we have been educated to develop and enhance
  • Still, self-marketing it is a key skill that differentiates successful achievers in any field.

    How can we develop this skill? Beyond developing one’s brand, expose yourself! Find your unique selling proposition, stand up and start marketing it. Persist, get feedback, and you’ll get there.

    So, when do you start marketing yourself?


    Developing a personal brand: a revolutionary idea – and so much needed!

    The Fourth Revolution is here. Today anybody living anywhere can develop a personal brand that will be visible over the entire Internet.

    Personal brand marketing
    Personal brand marketing

    This requires a good definition of one’s personal purpose and a persistent and consistent communication over many media.

    But it is necessary.

    And actually, it is key for the successful K.E.E.N. to develop such personal brand.

    The Industrial Age mindset is completely opposed to such idea: people were put in categories, by profession and diploma. They were considered interchangeable in the workplace. And any individual deviating from such classification was considered suspiciously, and he or she did not fit anymore in these categories.

    Today, more and more, exceptions to the Industrial Age categories are the rule. Although failing bureaucratic organizations will continue to resist the idea for a while, the future is that each individual will have a specific profile and a specific brand.
    And that’s needed because having a strong personal brand increases one’s value by being unique: possibly the unique response or profile to solve a particular issue.

    So, when do you start developing your personal brand on the Internet and in the world? It will take time. Start today.


    Measuring the available cognitive surplus

    A useful statistics in the excellent book by Clay Shirky, “cognitive surplus“.

    Cognitive surplus is that cognitive capability that is available during our free time. It has steadily increased during the Industrial Revolution, in particular in the 20th century. But, it has mainly been devoted to broadcasting media, and mainly TV.

    American watch about 200 billion hours of TV every year (and, interestingly enough, this is still increasing).

    All of Wikipedia, all articles, edits, in all languages represents roughly about 100 million hours of contributions (over 10 years or so).

    Hence, Wikipedia, this extraordinary sum of human knowledge, permamently updated (so much that it is a worthwhile source of information) represents less than 0.005% of the available cognitive surplus.

    So… can you imagine what will happen when just 1% of the available cognitive surplus will be used for the community?

    That’s right, it will be a true Revolution, the Fourth Revolution.

    When do you start contributing a small share of your cognitive surplus?


    What motivates the K.E.E.N.?

    There is a great video from Dan Pink about motivation: the surprising truth about what motivates us.

    It shows the incentive schemes of the Industrial Age corporation only work for mechanical skills. Once the task involves cognitive skill, rewards lead to lower performance!!

    What then does motivate the K.E.E.N, the Knowledge Enhancing Exchanging Networker of the Collaborative Age? According to Dan Pink, there are 3 main factors: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose.

    • Autonomy like self-direction.
    • Mastery like getting better at something.
    • Purpose like getting up in the morning.
    purpose maximizer
    We are purpose maximizers

    According to Dan Pink, we are purpose maximizers, not just profit maximizers.
    So, when do you start maximizing your purpose?


    Will the Fourth Revolution bring positive changes? The objections part 1: no renewal of the elites

    One clear assumption of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto is that the Fourth Revolution will ultimately bring positive change to the world (the way to the Collaborative Age might however have some bumps). Quite a few reactions have been received that disagree with this assumption. So, the next few posts will cover the two main objections categories received. I expect that they will be the source of much heated debate! Anyway, thanks to those that have raised them as they fostered a lot of thoughts!

    The two types of objections are basically the following:

    1. The present changes in the world only reinforce the influence of the current elite, and poor, underprivileged and fragile people will see their own personal situation worsen
    2. Big Brother is watching us: our interconnectivity opens the door to incredible access in our private lives, which could be exploited by evil groups, ultimately leading to a new era of general slavery

    Let us dwell on the first objection. The second objection will be treated in the next post.

    One source of the objection is that we can observe in our world today, in particular in developed countries, that certain fragile categories of the population, get even more fragile with the globalization and the general disappearance of low qualification industrial employment. Governments have financial problems and the social safety nets get less safe. The poor get poorer and the rich, richer.

    Industrial employment is certainly disappearing and it is only a question of time until its share will diminish even in emerging countries. The problem with the fragile segment of the population of the developed countries is that it now competes worldwide for manufacturing jobs, which tends to lower the value share they can claim.

    Does that mean that the people that thrive today will be the same than the ones that will lead the world tomorrow?

    Historically during the Third Revolution, it did not happen. Apart from a few exceptions, aristocrats did not manage to make it in the leadership of the Industrial Age – although they would have had the time and the means to access the necessary knowledge. And instead a powerful ‘social elevator’ progressively brought a large segment of the poor farmers up in the social hierarchy – based on processing abilities leading to promotion in the mandatory public education system. Numerous current industry and political leaders come from families that were quite poor 2 or 3 generations ago.

    Through the Fourth Revolution, apart from a few exceptions, the current elite will not make it into the new leadership, in spite of their available time and means, because they are in their comfort zone. A new ‘social elevator’, based on different skills than the Industrial Revolution’s, will operate. And new leaders will come from all segments of society – and more importantly, for the first time, from all ethnic and national origins.

    So, yes, the segments of the population that rely on Manufacturing for their living will suffer, as the ones that relied on Farming did in the 19th and the early 20th centuries. Still, the opportunities will be here to move into the Collaborative Age value creation system.
    Never had so many people so many opportunities to access to knowledge and education, to be connected to the world- in particular in emerging or developing countries. And they can all practice the necessary skills to become successful, part of tomorrow’s leadership.

    As, overall, the value production will increase tremendously, so will ultimately the living condition of all.


    Your choice – and why YOU are important for the Fourth Revolution – the final part of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto is online!!

    That’s it! This is the final part of the Fourth Revolution manifesto. It is a personal appeal to YOU. What will you choose? The world needs you. Find out why you are important for the Fourth Revolution, and how you can contribute. in part 8 of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – now online.

    Cover of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto part 8
    Cover of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto part 8

    You can access the part VIII of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – Your choice – and why YOU are important for the Fourth Revolution by clicking on the link. You can also read and share the document on Scribd – it has a great reader and can also be used as a backup if the above link does not work: the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – part VIII on Scribd .

    Don’t hesitate to comment and bring in suggestions in the comments to this blog post!

    And, above all, start contributing to the world we want.


    We are the generation of the Fourth Revolution. We will shape the world

    Willingly or not, we are the generation of the Fourth Revolution.

    We will shape the world. It is our destiny.

    It is our responsibility and our opportunity.

    Let’s shape a world we will proud to leave to our children.

    Let us thrive, and at the same time, make the world thrive


    So, will you choose the blue pill or the red pill?

    Morpheus: The Fourth Revolution is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your computer. You can feel it when you go to work, or when go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the Industrial World that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

    Neo: What truth?

    the matrix choice
    the matrix choice

    Morpheus: That you are a slave of your mindset, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Fourth Revolution is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.

    Morpheus: You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember – all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.

    Freely adapted from The Matrix (written by Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski)

    So, are you ready for the Fourth Revolution? Which pill do you choose?…


    Four keys to success in the Collaborative Age – the Fourth Revolution Manifesto part VII is online!!!

    Now that we have investigated in depth the Fourth Revolution and how it will change the world, we can now focus on what will make individuals successful. Find out four keys to personal success in the Collaborative world in part 7 of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – now online.

    Cover of the Fourth Revolution manifesto part 7
    Cover of the Fourth Revolution manifesto part 7

    You can access the part VII of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – FOUR keys to success in the Collaborative Age by clicking on the link. You can also read and share the document on Scribd – it has a great reader and can also be used as a backup if the above link does not work: the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – part 7 on Scribd .

    Don’t hesitate to comment and bring in suggestions in the comments to this blog post!

    Can’t wait to see the conclusion? Next week, in the final part of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto we’ll finally discuss your choice – and why you are important for the Fourth Revolution.


    For the first time the elite will be nomadic

    The elite of the Agricultural and Industrial Ages were sedentary.

    The nomad was the enemy. Appearing suddenly from the steppes, the barbarian thirsty for blood, gold, and the amenities of civilization.

    Civilization, wealth, value was sedentary.

    The K.E.E.N., dominating the Collaborative Age value production system, will move through the world from project to project. He or she will be rootless. The elite will be international.

    Today for the first time ever, the dominant elite will be nomadic. The sedentary will not dominate value production.

    Are we ready for the change?
