The importance of feedback for improvement

It is basic, but so often neglected.
Practice can only improve performance if feedback is provided.
If the right feedback is provided in the right way, it can even greatly accelerate the learning curve towards outstanding, exceptional performance.

feedback keyboard
feedback keyboard

Alas, the occasions to benefit from feedback on our practices of daily life are so few. And when we get feedback it is often delivered in such a manner that we dismiss it (remember the last time someone honked you on the road – that was feedback!).

The key to improving your performance as quickly as possible is hence, to setup an environment where feedback can be provided to you immediately, in a way that encourages you to improve. It is the role of the trainer or coach. We need to make it much more systematic. We need to encourage candid feedback at home and in the workplace. To do that, there are 3 conditions
– demonstrate willingness to give and receive feedback
– use a secure process for delivering feedback the right way
– respond to feedback appropriately to encourage people to give other feedback later.

Used properly, this will create a virtuous circle. When do you start?
