How to give feedback the right way

A key process for giving feedback I learnt during my coaching classes. Simple, and so powerful. I use it all the time I want to give feedback.

  1. ask permission to give feedback, and obtain it (get a Yes)
  2. state your positive intent (I want to give you the feedback because I believe it impedes your growth, success, etc – and I care about you)
  3. deliver your feedback along the BOOST guidelines (Balanced, Observed, Owned, Specific, Timely) (make sure it is owned by you by using “I” – it is just your view)
  4. propose an improvement path (if you can’t propose a better solution, don’t feedback!)
  5. stop, shut up and listen actively to the person, let the silence be for a while if needed, be active and present.
  6. propose support if the person states that yes, he/she would like to improve.

Try it. You’ll see, it can get the most difficult feedback across nicely. Try it today.
