How the current financial turmoil is a positive indicator of the Fourth Revolution

The financial world is going through a storm. The balance of economy is shifting. What was not a problem before (sovereign debt) is a problem now. Developed economies are in turmoil. Manufacturing and utility companies suffer. Stock markets undergo shock after shock. Still, the companies that embody the Fourth Revolution, those companies of the internet, do not seem to suffer. They continue to grow.

What happens?

historical railroad stock 19th century
historical railroad stock 19th century

An interesting similar situation happened in the 19th century when the development of railroad redefined the economy and value chain for many products. Many startups were created, that contributed to a fantastic development of the railroad network.

And the stock market suffered shock after shock as the economy adjusted to the new, tremendous value brought by speedy transportation. There were regular crisis, there were regular financial panics, in all developed countries like the US, UK or France. New and old companies collapsed.

Still the railroad networks continued to develop through the successive crisis and the economy really took all the benefit of the economies of scale brought by the Industrial Age.

The fact that the stock market suffers crisis is not just the result of speculation. It is a sure sign that the economy is trying to adjust to a significant shift of the value chain creation.

financial panic in the 19th century over railroad stocks
financial panic in the 19th century over railroad stocks

Like it happened in the 19th century, it happens again today. The pictures of the financial crisis of the 19th century remind us of those pictures of today.

The world struggles to adjust to a new balance of value creation, the value brought by the Fourth Revolution. It removes borders; it accelerates exchange of goods and ideas; it changes significantly the value chain by diminishing the relative value of extractive and manufacturing industries.

The current economic crisis is another precursor of the Fourth Revolution. We can help minimize its impact by recognizing that it is an effect of the Fourth Revolution. By leaning into it instead of adopting defensive positions.

Are you ready to shift to the Fourth Revolution value production and diffusion system?



The Fourth Revolution book is #2 in Leadership bestsellers on Kindle store!

The Fourth Revolution book has been downloaded HUNDREDS of time already since the promotion for a FREE download has started. THANKS TO YOU, it has made it already to the #2 bestselling book on Kindle shop for Leadership – category Free Kindles, alongside well known books and authors (see below)!

The Fourth Revolution book #2 in Leadership bestsellers on!
The Fourth Revolution book #2 in Leadership bestsellers on! (Jan 2 at 9pm Singapore time)

It has also made it to #4 on Kindle store “management and leadership” category, #1 in Kindle store english books “Futurology” category and #2 in Kindle store “Leadership” category!

The Fourth Revolution on’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on’s Kindle store

Still 36 hours to get your free Kindle copy and understand the Fourth Revolution – and thrive through the world’s transformation! Don’t miss the opportunity!!


For the new year, the Fourth Revolution for free on Kindle for 72h only! Happy New Year!

2012 will be a year of changes. Changes to the world, changes to you. 2012 will be the year of the Fourth Revolution.

2012 revolution
2012 - the revolution year!

To celebrate this new year, the Fourth Revolution book on Kindle is free for 72 hours only!

The Fourth Revolution on’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on’s Kindle store

The Fourth Revolution on’s Kindle store

Read the Fourth Revolution book and change your life!

Happy new year 2012!


This year’s 10 most popular Fourth Revolution Blog posts

At the time where we wish good bye to 2011 and we prepare ourselves for an exciting year 2012 ahead, I thought I would list the 10 most popular blog posts of the year for the Fourth Revolution Blog for your (re-)reading pleasure:

Bonus: positive emotions improve health!

Open data hacking: Fourth Revolution value creation in action

How simple is it to get positive emotions?

How algorithms change our world (video of the month)

What’s the use of feeling more positive?

Establishing effective co-located teams is not in contradiction with the Fourth Revolution

How the “War of Art” changed me

Stop disseminating the image of the factory worker as a representation of the economy!

Soft power leadership: what about a book?

Co-creation or the Fourth Revolution in action

Bonus: read this exclusive post by Jeremie published by SocialMediaToday, “5 reasons organizations don’t implement internal social networks and 5 reasons they should“, seen by 450 people and counting!

I wish you all, and your families, an exciting and fulfilling new year 2012!


Would you guess that people read more or less with digital books?

Today Amazon sells more digital books than physical books. This is a dramatic shift in this industry and publishers struggle to adapt. The struggle of an industry – an institution – seeing its Industrial Age business model crumble should not hide the most important: the actual dissemination of information.

people read more books with e-readers like Amazon's Kindle
e-readers like Amazon's kindle make people read more books

Overall, do people read less or more books than before?

According to this MediaPost detailed article and statistics, people who have bought e-books tend to download and read more books than before. It appears to be statistically significant.

Why is that? For sure, clever marketing by Amazon makes it easy to download and consume more. When it comes to reading, my own experience is that the small, lightweight and convenient size of e-books allows to read in many places like the underground train or whenever there is a short break. And I definitely read even more since I have an entire library inside my Kindle, making a switch from a book to another easy.

So, the introduction of e-books did not kill reading. It increased it, at the same time as it made many non-mainstream or old books available to everybody. And, taking into account the vast amount of other information we read on other media, such an availability of high quality information is unprecedented. It will necessarily be the source of many creative innovations.

Think about it. I can download on my e-reader in less than 1 minute any title available worldwide without the bother of the logistics of sending physical books over (and I am living in Singapore, so this problem is particularly sensitive!). WOW.

Who said the Fourth Revolution is not yet here?


The one thing organizations that want to move Collaborative need

Moving to the Collaborative Age is simple… but not easy!

Many organizations just touch collaborative tools from far, sometimes just using them as another broadcasting tool.

The thing is, organizations need to dramatically change their approach to be able to take advantage of all the value made available by the Collaborative Age.

This excellent post by Amber Naslund, The Ripple Effect: Why Social Business Isn’t Simple, is an excellent summary of some tactics organizations can adopt if their strategy is truly to move into the Collaborative field.

Still, whatever the techniques and tactics, something is required first. It is a deep commitment of the organization, at the highest level, to engage with the social community. Engagement means a two way conversation and emotional exchange. Engagement has a cost. It requires continuous maintenance. It requires emotional work and vigilance. Yet it can lead to fantastic stories and experiences.

Like everybody, you want to jump into the Collaborative World. Still – are you really deeply ready to engage emotionally with your network, with your customers and your entire ecosystem?


What is your secure base? Strengthen it to over-achieve!

We all need our secure base.

It’s a place behind us where we know we can go and rest, be protected and supported. A place we can relax and recover.

The stronger our secure base is, the keener we will be to take risks. Because we know that if we fail, our secure base will be here.

illustration of the secure base concept
a strong secure base

Our very first secure base is our mother. And then over time we develop other secure bases – our significant other, our coach, close friends.

What’s important is to always have one strong secure base. People that don’t have one, or that lose their secure base suddenly, can have extreme reactions if they get stuck in the mourning cycle (more about that in the excellent book “hostage at the table” by George Kohlrieser, a hostage negotiator turned business school professor).

So, you want to move forward, do new things, experiment? Make sure your secure base is strong and that it will welcome you in whatever conditions you’ll end up. Strengthen your secure base as often as you can. The stronger the secure base, the bolder you will be, the more successful you will ultimately become. Invest in strengthening your secure base, it is not time lost.

Have you identified your secure base? Start strengthening it NOW!

Enjoy Christmas, reconnect with your secure base and strengthen it to achieve extraordinary things in 2012!!

Merry Christmas to all Christian friends!


Multiple identities on internet: why debate? The trend is obvious!

Should multiple identities be allowed for a single individual on the internet?

The debate rages. Facebook and Google+ try to force everyone to show a single identity. Still, since the beginning of internet, geeks often like to have different identities for different purposes. A good reference is this blog post about the views of a typical geek, Chris Poole.

Showing different identities in parallel is extremely difficult in the real physical world. The few exceptions like a husband having several wives in different places, unbeknownst to the others, are strange enough to be good topics for Hollywood.

multiple identities
who will you be today on internet?

On the internet, however, it is quite easy to have several identities in parallel. And even if Facebook and Google+ try to force us into a single, lifetime identity, it is relatively easy to circumvent those controls – sharing networks is only more difficult, and having multiple identities is not practical for everybody.

Still, we all have multiple identities already. We don’t send on our corporate emails the same messages to the same people than from our personal email. We don’t network with the same people and discuss the same topics on Facebook and on LinkedIn.

This debate is thus futile. Yes, we have, and we all manage different identities. They are more or less consistent. But they are different. And the number of identities we will have will grow, and become more deeply different.

As the Fourth Revolution book argues, while the population on Earth might reach a plateau, the number of identities on internet will continue to grow tremendously. And this will create more value for everybody.

Don’t freak out. Maintain and develop your different identities on the internet!


A generation-driven Revolution is in the making!

In the same Facebook paper that describes how our world is much smaller than we thought, and is shrinking, there is another very interesting curve.

facebook age of friends curve
the age of your friends on facebook, depending on your own age

The comment in the paper is mostly on the fact that we tend to connect with people of our age – there is a sharp spike, even at age 60.

Still this curve carries a lot of other very interesting information. The most obvious is that we tend to connect with younger people, not at all with people older than ourselves. And as a consequence, the generation in their 20’s appears to be very disconnected from the older generations.

What is the consequence? The generation in their 20’s, for which Facebook and other social networks is a normal part of the world, evolves rather independently. This is a sure source of Revolutions.

Brace! Driven by the generation born in the 1990’s, the Revolution is coming.


Transforming from Employee to Entrepreneur: better do it in two stages!

As I am currently transforming from ‘Employee’ to ‘Self-Employed’, which is not an easy moment, I now realize there is a further wide gap between ‘Freelancer’ and ‘Entrepreneur’! That’s quite a lot to overcome!

As Seth Godin clearly defines,

“A Freelancer is someone who gets paid for working.That means, the more you work, the more you get paid.

An Entrepreneur gets paid while they sleep. They build a business bigger than themselves, and she gets paid even if she is not there”

Right. That’s clear. I want to be an Entrepreneur. So how do I avoid, in effect, to be a Freelancer?

Now the difficulty is that when you start a consulting company like me, in a more or less bootleg fashion, you effectively start as a Freelancer. I am right now preparing to start my company, discussing some potential contracts: at the beginning, people hire you because they know you and what value you can bring to their organization. They would even like to get 100% of your time and attention! Yet, I definitely want to build a real consulting company with a brand, products, scalable activity, leveraging on the different talents of people working in an organization. So, at some stage I definitely want to transform as an Entrepreneur.

entrepreneur inside logo
what's moving in there?

I have chosen to be an Entrepreneur. Yet, I now know I will need to go through the stage of the Freelancer and resist the temptation to stay in the relative comfort of the situation to move further.

That’s not going to be easy. It will require relentlessly working on the brand and on designing scalable products. Effective scalability will ultimately be the test of entrepreneurship.

There is a gap between Employee and Freelancer. It is mainly a psychological gap; I am right now going through it and it is not fun every day (see the post “Beyond Fear“). There is still another between Freelancer and Entrepreneur. It is a scalability gap. It will also not be easy.

I have decided that instead of dealing with everything at the same time, it is probably better to tackle these two gaps one after the other. That’s what I have decided to do – so I’ll look for Freelancer-type projects in the first six months, keeping them less than full-time – keeping in mind that the ultimate goal is that of an Entrepreneur.

What do you think? Is that the best strategy?


The world is small… even smaller than you thought, and shrinking!

If you follow the news, you might have heard about this groundbreaking study by Facebook about how people are connected.

For a long time, there was the 6 degree of separation theory: anybody could be connected to anybody else through 5 other people who know each other. Interestingly, because testing this hypothesis was cumbersome in the pre-internet world, only one study was done, on a limited sample, in the 1960’s, which grossly confirmed the theory. (Upon closer study, this experiment also showed that some rare people have a much more far-reaching network than others and that they played a critical role in establishing the connection).

Today, as a large proportion of Humankind is on Facebook, our connectivity can be measured on the internet. The result is given in this Facebook report. The following curve is extracted from the report.

the degrees of separation on Facebook
degrees of separation on Facebook

It shows that for the entire Facebook there are only roughly on average 4 intermediate people between any 2 individuals on Earth. The friend of your friend knows the friend of the friend of anyone else! Even more shocking, when looking at a particular country like the USA, only 3 intermediaries are necessary.

In addition these curves show that with an increased connectivity in the virtual world, with more and more people on social networks, we grow to be closer and closer to each other; each year we need less and less intermediaries to connect to anybody else. The world is shrinking in front of our eyes!

Let’s not forget that probably the same phenomenon is at work that was observed in earlier experiments: some particularly well connected individuals, few in numbers, are probably those through which most connections could be established. Still, right now, we just discovered that the world is much smaller than we thought.

As I start to be well connected on social networks I discover how I reconnect to people I lost track of, and how I manage to connect to really great, interesting people.

The world is shrinking rapidly. Don’t waste the opportunity! Join the Fourth Revolution!



How social networks help me change my identity!

Right now, as you know, I’m in for a deep change, that needs to be accompanied – and even preceded – by a deep identity change. I have to change my identity from a nice, process-abiding corporate executive to that of a daring, weird entrepreneur.

superman with two identities
changing identity

It is funny and interesting to observe how social networks accompany the change. Whenever I push “publish” on a change of my profile on LinkedIn, or on an update on my personal website, that’s where I realize that I am deeply changing my identity. To the public I am now someone else! As I am publishing this new title, this new life, this new identity, I also need to consistently change it myself in my day-to-day behavior and how I view my surroundings. Having changed online, I must change in the real world.

In my case, the usage of social networks accelerates my identity change rather than slows it down. Maybe it is because my online identity was already much closer to the daring entrepreneur than to the nice discrete corporate executive.

For some people it might be more difficult to change their identity suddenly. Facebook will forever remember what you said a few years ago. What if it is contradicting? Worst come to worst, change identity online. Create a new self. And publish you new YOU.

By publishing easily to the world, by taking the entire world as a witness of what we are doing, social networks have the power to accelerate our identity changes. When will you use that power to change your life?


