e-Choupal brings the Fourth Revolution in rural India

Have you heard about e-Choupal? Another example of the Fourth Revolution in action.

ITC, an Indian agricultural and food company, is revolutionizing rural India. By providing villages with access to a computer and internet, they give to the farmers unprecedented access to all sorts of useful information about weather, the market price of crops, best agricultural practices. By removing the traditional intermediaries they allow farmers to sell their crops a better price. They change considerably the social structure of rural India.

e-choupal group meeting
e-choupal group meeting

At the same time they create tremendous value for the farmers, ITC creates value for itself by selling its agricultural equipment, fertilizers and seeds, and getting much better quality products that it can use to manufacture world-standard food.

It also creates employment opportunity for the e-choupal village representative who handles the computer.

Summary: providing access to long distance interactive communication in rural india, a company changes the life of farmers, raises their revenue and at the same time creates significant value for itself.

The Fourth Revolution is indeed a Revolution. When do you start co-creating a joint future with your suppliers and customers, to unleash the value of the Collaborative Age for the benefit of all?

For more information on e-Choupal, ITC provides some nice high level explanations here and here. A long paper from the World Resource Institute explains the e-choupal system and its profitability.


Co-creation or the Fourth Revolution in action

I cannot recommend enough the book “The Power of Co-Creation” by Venkat Ramaswamy and Francis Gouillard.

The power of co-creation cover
The power of co-creation book cover

This book is a perfect illustration of the Fourth Revolution at work. It shows how companies and organizations are leveraging the power of co-creating with their customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to create unprecedented value. Value not just for them, but also for the entire community they create.

Furthermore the book is packed with case studies and examples from a variety of industries and types of organizations.

For those that would still doubt it just demonstrates that the future lies in open, fluid organizations that actively co-create with a community extending beyond their boundaries.

Read again part V of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto: the open, fluid organization!

When do you start co-creating the unprecedented value of the Collaborative Age?


Public presentation of the Fourth Revolution Book Saturday in Kuala Lumpur!

The Fourth Revolution Book cover
The Fourth Revolution Book cover

Meet me at 10am at the Malaysian Association of Certified Coaches


62, 2nd Floor, Lorong Rahim Kajai 14
Taman Tun Dr Ismail,
60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

There will be a presentation and discussions around coaching and the Fourth Revolution!


Be consistent with what you want to be

I am always amazed at how people sometimes act inconsistently with what they want to be. And thus, with what they are – deep within. That is particularly visible in my practice of coaching.

Who are you?
Who are you?

I do also fall into this trap too often. And I regret when that happens.

Because I know that it is only by being consistent with what I want to be, that I’ll become what I want to be. But my behavior is not always consistent!

So, what can we do? Probably the best solution is to keep in mind what we want to be, what is our goal and purpose, and repeat it inside us over and over again like a mantra throughout the day.

Repeat it, in particular when times are tough and stressful and we tend to come back to our old natural self.

But don’t say it because if your behavior is inconsistent with what you say, that’s even worse!

The day where somebody will tell you that he or she feels like you really are like what you want to be, you’ll know you are on the right way.

When do you start monitoring how consistent you are with what you want to be? What do you do to improve this consistency?



How to publish worldwide, from anywhere

Here is a summary of my experience of self-publishing from a country which has an emerging economy (Malaysia). Even from there, today anybody can stand up and publish to the world his or her ideas. All it takes is time and a really not a lot of money.

Obviously there is no shortcut to the creative work of producing the book, manifesto or whatever you want to spread. You still need to get the rights to the material you want to use (pictures…) and possibly get an editor for an independent review of the text.

Then, for anything between 0 and 50$/year you can have your website and blog up and running, publishing to the world, interacting with the world.

For around 70$ you can have an agreement with LightningSource, the Print-on-Demand leader, send the electronic files of the book over and in less than one month, be present on all the electronic bookshops around. You can touch easily the developed countries, and anybody worldwide willing to pay for having the books sent.

In Malaysia I found it better to go the traditional way of distributing my book, by printing a number and letting distributors put them in bookshops. That requires a bit more capital upfront – say 2,000$ for printing 500 books. Still that’s quite affordable, but less easy to come with.

In summary – it is not so difficult to publish your ideas. How come there are still some traditional publishing companies around?



The Fourth Revolution spreads: now (almost) on Amazon!

Breaking news: The Fourth Revolution book is now on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Barnes&Noble.com etc etc !

Follow the links:

The Fourth Revolution book on Amazon.com

The Fourth Revolution book on Amazon.co.uk

OK, seems like that everything is not setup completely, I suppose that’ll be done in a few days, and then orders will be available. I am also working on my author’s profile and so on…

But, just figure that out. I write a book. I self-publish it. In Malaysia, far from Europe or the US (and I could have been anywhere I guess!). I sign an agreement with a Print-on-demand company. I send the electronic files over. 2 weeks later I receive a proof copy. 1 more week and my book is available all over the world. Anybody can read my ideas, debate with me! This setup cost me 70$ only!. WOW. Who can deny that the Fourth Revolution is there, today?


A sure way to retain your employees

As knowledge and development is today a major part of the compensation package, then the one and only way to retain your employees is to give them more of: knowledge and development!

And you know what? That can be almost free if you take the time to develop them in the workplace.

Knowledge and development is part of the compensation package. If you don’t provide it you are not competitive and K.E.E.N. will leave. If you provide plenty of it you can pay less money.

And if you want to retain people, stop the stupid practice of the Industrial Age which was to cut all the training and development budgets as soon as the sea gets rough. Rather, increase it. Publicize that your company is a great place for development.

What’s more, if you leave people space for their own development the rewards to the organization will be plentiful and unexpected. The organization’s culture will be open and collaborative.

Today in the Fourth Revolution, giving more knowledge and personal development opportunities is the secret recipe to employees retention.


Knowledge and development is part of your compensation package

What is your current compensation package?

I’m sure you’ll answer with a number, plus maybe some comments on social security and additional perks of monetary value.

Well that’s not what is the most important in your compensation package.

In your job, do you get to develop your knowledge? Do you get to develop your networks? Are you developing yourself by being stretched beyond your comfort zone in a safe environment?

That’s also part of the compensation package. The K.E.E.N. expects to be able to develop his knowledge, her value, to be challenged.

Actually in the Fourth Revolution, beyond a minimum salary, knowledge and personal development should probably be the majority of your compensation package.

Look at your situation. Is that the case? Will you ask an increase… in knowledge and development? Act now. That’s urgent. Do it.


Do you know Google table of code elements?

Google has decided to put together all their products in an impressive presentation, the Google table of code elements.

google logo (glogo)

The fact that it looks like the periodic table of elements of chemistry (Mendeleev table) is not a coincidence. The Mendeleev table was invented in 1869 as a classification of the new discoveries of the Industrial Age in chemistry.

Isn’t Google presentation presumptuous? Anyway it gives a good view of all the types of applications on the market today. These can be expected to still grow significantly and branch out as, further in the Fourth Revolution, we will invent new ways to leverage the power of long distance connectivity.

Have a look at this interesting view of the world of applications as it unfolds!


Live presentation of the Fourth Revolution – Kuala Lumpur, June 25

I am very happy to announce the roundtable organized on Saturday June 25 at 10am at the Malaysian Association of Certified Coaches (MACC), on the topic: “Improve coaching effectiveness by understanding the Fourth Revolution” (click on the link to see the flyer).

The Fourth Revolution Book cover
The Fourth Revolution Book cover

At that occasion I will also present and sign the book “The Fourth Revolution”… in the last days of its launching price!

Join the roundtable at the following address:

MACC – 62, 2nd Floor, Lorong Rahim Kajai 14, Taman Tun Dr Ismail,
60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Don’t forget – Saturday June 25 at 10am!

